Plan Review Services

The purpose of Plan Review Services is to determine compliance with the codes and ordinances adopted by the City of Scottsdale. Once the construction documents for a building or structure is determined to be in compliance a permit is issued.

Counter Plans:

Counter Plans are now processed as Small Scope Reviews (SSR) and must be done digitally. Type "SSR" in the project name to identify the submittal as a Small Scope Review. SSR's are completed in 3-7 days.

To make arrangements for payments and permit services not available online, please contact us at [email protected] .

Plan Submittal Process

Commercial Preliminary Plan Review Meeting

A commercial preliminary plan review meeting gives architects and engineers the opportunity to ask questions specific to their commercial projects and get clarification on code related items prior to the formal submittal of plans. This type of meeting is beneficial for large and/or complex projects and can result in a more efficient review process.

Requirements & Guidelines

In order to receive a permit for your construction project, you must make application for a building permit, by the submittal of construction documents and other required data as required. Construction documents shall be of such clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of the applicable adopted construction codes and relevant laws ordinances rules and regulations.

Digital Plan Submittal

Digital Plan Review enables plan submittal, payment, and staff review/approval to all occur electronically - reducing (and potentially eliminating) trips to the One Stop Shop, ensuring enhanced collaboration, resulting in plans being finalized as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Step 1: Apply Login/register and start an e‑application online for permitting Step 2: Upload Upload PDF drawing files and related attachments Step 3: Record Submit & record the application number for future reference Step 4: Access Access your project online with the provided Plan Check number and keycode

How-to submit a digital plan:

The Arizona Board of Technical Registration at 602-364-4930 governs the minimum requirements for professionals submitting and sealing plans (, see Rules: R4-30-304. Use of Seals). If you do not have a digital signature you can still use this program for plan review. Plan sheets must be imprinted with your seal and expiration date and the words "DRAFT" or "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION" in lieu of a digital signature. When plans are ready for approval you'll be asked to bring in the seal and signed paper copies for final approval.

Small Scope Reviews

Small Scope Reviews (SSR) include smaller residential remodels/additions and interior commercial tenant improvements; all submittal and reviews are digital.

Qualified projects for Small Scope Reviews


At Risk Grading Submittal

At Risk submittals includes preliminary grading and drainage only. This type of permit will allow contractors to begin moving dirt and begin rough grading activities only prior to an actual permits for improvement plans may be issued. Please refer to the DSPM for more information.

The following civil plans should already be submitted for review:

At Risk Fees

Utilities - Developer Provided

A permit is required for all utility work, public and private, that occurs within the City's right-of-way or public utility easements.

Fees & Payment Options

Fees are to be paid at the time of application for plan check.

Client is charged for the air-conditioned and the non air-conditioned square footage of the house. In addition, they are charged for the grading and drainage, per sheet based on landform. Fences and retaining walls are charged per linear foot.

Plan checks for home improvements, new single-family residences and other new construction can be made over the counter at the One Stop Shop.