Converting Documents to PDF/A Documents

You can use the DocConverter service to convert a PDF document to a PDF/A document. Because PDF/A is an archival format for long-term preservation of the document’s content, all fonts are embedded and the file is uncompressed. As a result, a PDF/A document is typically larger than a standard PDF document. Also, a PDF/A document does not contain audio and video content. Before you convert a PDF document to a PDF/A document, ensure that the PDF document is not a PDF/A document.

The PDF/A-1 specification consists of two levels of conformance, namely A and B. The major difference between the two is regarding the logical structure (accessibility) support, which is not required for conformance level B. Regardless of the conformance level, PDF/A-1 dictates that all fonts are embedded within the generated PDF/A document. At this time, only PDF/A-1b is supported in validation (and conversion).

While PDF/A is the standard for archiving PDF documents, it is not mandatory that PDF/A be used for archiving if a standard PDF document meets your company’s requirements. The purpose of the PDF/A standard is to establish a PDF file meant for long-term archiving and document-preservation needs.

Note: For more information about the DocConverter service, see Services Reference for LiveCycle.

Summary of steps

To convert a PDF document to a PDF/A document, perform the following steps:

  1. Include project files.
  2. Create a DocConvert client
  3. Reference a PDF document to convert to a PDF/A document.
  4. Set tracking information.
  5. Convert the document.
  6. Save the PDF/A document.

Include project files

Include the necessary files in your development project. If you are creating a client application by using Java, include the necessary JAR files. If you are using web services, make sure that you include the proxy files.

The following JAR files must be added to your project’s class path:

For information about the location of these JAR files, see Including LiveCycle Java library files.

Create a DocConvert client

Before you can programmatically perform an DocConverter operation, you must create a DocConverter client. If you are using the Java API, create a DocConverterServiceClient object. If you are using the DocConverter web service API, create a DocConverterServiceService object.

Reference a PDF document to convert to a PDF/A document

Retrieve a PDF document to convert to a PDF/A document. If you attempt to convert a PDF document, such as an Acrobat form, to a PDF/A document, you will cause an exception.

Set tracking information

You can set a run-time option that determines how much information is tracked during the conversion process. That is, you can set nine different levels that specify how much information the DocConverter service tracks when it converts a PDF document to a PDF/A document.

Convert the document

After you create the DocConverter service client, reference the PDF document to convert and set the run-time option that specifies how much information is tracked, you can convert the PDF document to a PDF/A document.

Save the PDF/A document

You can save the PDF/A document as a PDF file.

See also

Convert documents to PDF/A documents using the Java API

Convert a PDF document to a PDF/A document by using the Java API:

  1. Include project files Include client JAR files, such as adobe-docconverter-client.jar, in your Java project’s class path.
  2. Create a DocConvert client
  3. Reference a PDF document to convert to a PDF/A document
  4. Set tracking information
  5. Convert the document Convert the PDF document to a PDF/A document by invoking the DocConverterServiceClient object’s toPDFA method and passing the following values:

The toPDFA method returns a PDFAConversionResult object that contains the PDF/A document.

See also

Convert documents to PDF/A documents using the web service API

Convert a PDF document to a PDF/A document by using the DocConverter API (web service):

  1. Include project files
  2. Create a DocConvert client
  3. Reference a PDF document to convert to a PDF/A document
  4. Set tracking information
  5. Convert the document Convert the PDF document to a PDF/A document by invoking the DocConverterServiceService object’s toPDFA method and passing the following values:

The toPDFA method returns a PDFAConversionResult object that contains the PDF/A document.